
Platinum Membership

IV drips or intravenous therapy involves administering a solution directly into your bloodstream. Also known as a Myers’ Cocktail, the solution is comprised of a high dose of vitamins and minerals. The good thing about IV drips is that they have the same salt concentration as your blood. At IV Butler, we provide professional IV therapy services at our clients’ homes, offices, and any location that is convenient. In addition, we offer an array of IV drip subscription plans, including a platinum membership.

About IV Butler’s Platinum Membership Plan

By subscribing to IV Butler’s platinum membership, you gain access to members-only pricing benefits. We design the IV drips with your wellness, immunity, and vitality needs in mind. Now more than ever keeping our immune systems functioning optimally is important. IV Butler understands that clients may not want to leave their homes right now, so we offer concierge IV therapy solutions. Our registered nurses will come to your home and administer the IV drips of your choosing.

Below is a quick look at what our platinum membership offers:

  • $449* per month
  • Includes 2 IVs per month (any IV drip up to $349)
  • 15% off all other services including add-ons to your IV

IV Drip Options and Add-ons to Your Platinum Membership Plan

  • Beauty Drip: Have your skin glow, even out discoloration patches, brighten your skin tone.
  • Biotin Drip: Revitalize your hair, skin, and nails. Feel great and look great, too!
  • Detox Drip: Revitalize your body, get rid of the toxins in your body, and feel energized!
  • Energy and Focus Drip: Give yourself a boost of energy on those late nights studying!
  • Food Poisoning Drip: Ate something that is not sitting right with your stomach? We can help!
  • Hangover Drip: When you have a headache and feel nauseous after partying too hard.
  • Hydration Drip: When you feel dehydrated, sluggish, and lacking in energy, after a cold or flu.
  • Immunity Drip: This drip is best when you are feeling the start of a cold or flu (e.g., itchy throat)
  • Myers Cocktail Drip: This drip is perfect for those that experience chronic fatigue.

Health Benefits of IV Drip Therapy

Our safe and effective IV drips help improve your physical and emotional wellness. If you feel lethargic or bouts of moodiness, these therapy services will keep your body and mind in top condition. Thanks to the rich vitamins and nutrients our IV drips have, you feel better, think clearly, and get sick less often. That’s not all. Our IV drips also help remove free radicals with their antioxidants.

Why Should You Subscribe for IV Butler’s Platinum Membership Plan?

IV Butler’s platinum membership plan allows clients to maximize wellness results while saving money. Since our inception, we have been serving a diverse clientele throughout the Tri-State area. Our nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and registered nurses have years of experience customizing and administering IV cocktails.

If you want to learn more about our platinum membership subscription, feel free to contact us now. IV Butler can be called at (212) 484-9097 or emailed at [email protected].